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About Roger N. Clark


Clarkvision strives to be the source of accurate information on digital imaging. Ranging from some of the most sophisticated reviews and analyses of digital camera sensors found anywhere, to busting myths about digital camera operations and post processing, presents information to help photographers, from amateur to the advanced professional, choose better gear and to propel their photography to higher levels.

If you find the information on this site useful, please support Clarkvision and make a donation (link below).

Help make this site the top web site to go to for the answers in digital photography. While there are many great sites on photography on the web, the web is full of misinformation and biased information. If you see an error on clarkvision, please go to the contacts and let us know. The Clarkvision team will do the best to make corrections and clarifications. If you are confused by something on clarkvision, or feel a sentence needs clarification, let us know.

The purpose of the site is to present information. It is not a commercial business, nor is it political. The information presented on this site concerns photography related activities, amateur astronomy, and the important aspects of vision, as vision is a key component of photography, astronomy, and observing our world every day. All the articles on photography are free. However, it does cost to run this site. There are affiliate links to retailers to purchase equipment used and/or reviewed on this site. By using those links, you'll help fund Clarkvision at no cost to you.

This site is not funded by any company. At present it is funded solely by personal funds and by funds derived from affiliate links if you purchase something using those links (at no cost to you). The reviews on this site are, such as the digital camera sensor analyses, are only possible by purchasing or renting the equipment with personal funds, or by using data kindly contributed by other photographers.

This site is cookie free, and only contains static html web pages, no java, java script, or php is used. But all access is logged for security. Java script may be used by retail stores in links to porducts, but the scripts are running on those store sites, not clarkvision.

All views and discussions on this website are those of members of the family and these writings do not necessarily
reflect the views of their employers, nor is any such endorsement implied.


Roger Clark is a B&H Photo affiliate. The affiliate links to a product simply allow you the ability to buy the product for the same price as if the purchase was made through B&H directly. By using the link you support this site and enable it to remain active with new reviews and information. Please support this site by using these links. Use of the links does not cost you anything. If you purchase something by clicking through those links, a small percentage of your purchase goes to clarkvision.

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. We will provide links to products used/reviewed on this site. Purchasing a product through an affilitate link does not result in any additional cost you and supports clarkvision.

About the Photography

The photographic images on this site are results from film and digital imaging designed to capture as much detail in the original scene as possible. The reason for this effort is to create images that are "like being there." Digital processing of images provides for more precise control over contrast, color, and the printing process than with traditional darkroom wet chemistry (film) methods. Our best images are obtained on large format film and scanned on a high end drum scanner or digital cameras (sometimes as large digital mosaics) and output on a laser film writer direct to photographic paper (or film). This process preserves sharpness not possible with normal enlarging methods from film.

While we will sell images you see on this site, we are not trying to make this a business at this time. Photography as an enjoyable art form and we are not trying to make a living from it. However, if you see something you really like, contact us by email and we'll discuss making a print. (Large laser prints are very expensive.) We also make images available for other web sites including commercial ventures for a fee, and educational and non profit usually for no fees. If you really want to use or purchase a photograph, go to the Obtaining Images or Prints web page.

All images, text, and data on this site are copyrighted.
They may not be used except by written permission from Roger N. Clark.
All rights reserved.

Regarding the content of images on this site, see our Photo Ethics and Camera Limitations statement.

What you can find on this site.

At the top of each page is, a link to the home page.

On many pages (like this one), below the link is a horizontal bar of images, with links below the image bar to go to specific areas on the site. You can also click on the image bar to go to the photo galleries.
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Technical articles about digital cameras, digital camera sensor performance, image detail, many MYTHS in digital photography are busted, sophisticated sharpening methods, better exposure methods, lens autofocus speed, resizing, sensor signal to noise, and many more subjects are covered in the Articles web pages. For those interested in film, there is information on scanning, digital camera imaging compared to film (35mm to 4x5) up to 200 Mpixels, information on the human eye, and other articles can also be found on the
Articles web pages.

Articles on photography, from digital work flow, choosing LCD monitors for photo editing, myths in digital photography, tips on operating digital cameras from changing lenses to avoid dust to wildlife action photography and more can also be found on the Articles web pages. See something strange on another photography web site? Check articles to confirm if it is true. If you don't find it here, email a question. We'll do our best to investigate and post answers.

It is astounding in this day and age how many amateur and pro photographers are pushing a specific method as the ONLY way to do things. Here you will find some of those ideas are false. There are usually multiple ways to accomplish a result, some work better on one type of image or condition, others on different conditions. Read and view the evidence to make your own conclusions. Be wary of sites, even by so-called pros if they only declare their way is the only way if they can't be specific why only their method works. On you will find data, examples, and discussion of methods, whether in the field camera operation to post processing techniques. Evaluate the results and evidence yourself and come to your own conclusions. All freely accessible.

Articles on observing the night sky, catalogs of deep-sky objects, and how the human eye works in low light conditions can be found on the Visual Astronomy of the Night Sky web pages, and articles on low light photography, nightscapes, and astrophotography can also be found on the Articles web pages.

If you really want to use or purchase a photograph, go to the Price List web page.

Spamming results in total blockage of offending IP addresses, including relays! And at present, the policy is permanent blockage.

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Last updated March 20, 2017