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Colors of Blue Azurite

-rw-r--r-- 1 roger clark 24690007 Mar 29 08:27 azurite-0J6A2082.CR2 -rw-r--r-- 1 roger clark 23846877 Mar 29 08:37 azurite-0J6A2101.CR2

Figure 1. Blue azutite compared to GretagMacbeth Color Checker. High sun firect sunlight. Here is the raw file if you want to work with raw data (25 MBytes)

Figure 2. Blue azutite compared to GretagMacbeth Color Checker. High sun firect sunlight. Here is the raw file if you want to work with raw data (24 MBytes)

Sample spectra (two columns: wavelength in microns and reflectance):
Spectrum 1
Spectrum 2

First Published March 29, 2018.
Last updated March 30, 2018.