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The Canon 5D Mark III Digital Camera Review:
Sensor Noise, Dynamic Range, and Full Well Analysis

by Roger N. Clark

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This page shows an analysis of noise, dynamic range, and full well capacity of a Canon 5D Mark III camera.

Procedures for performing this analysis are described in: Procedures for Evaluating Digital Camera Noise, Dynamic Range, and Full Well Capacities; Canon 1D Mark II Analysis

The lowest possible noise from a system detecting light is the noise due to Poisson statistics from the random rate of the arrival of photons. This is called photon statistics, or photon noise. Noise from the electronics will add to the photon noise. Noise in Canon 5DIII images is limited by photon statistics at high signal levels and by electronic noise from reading the sensor (called readout noise) and noise from the downstream electronics at very low signal levels. In the case of high signal levels, a system that is photon statistics limited enables us to directly measure how many photons the sensor captures, and by increasing the exposure, we can determine how many photons are required to saturate the sensor. That is called the full well capacity, or simply, maximum signal capacity. With data on the lowest noise to the highest signal, we can then determine the dynamic range of the sensor.

The data and analysis results below show how the canon 5D Mark III sensor performs. Table 1 and the Derived Parameters below shows the results for this camera. These results will be added to the graphs at Digital Sensor Performance summary for comparison with other cameras (for now you can plot the values yourself from the data below). The data that were measured for this evaluation are presented in Appendix 1.

The read noise, reaching a low 0f only 2.1 electrons at ISO 12,800 is quite impressive but not as good as seen in Canon's 1D Mark IV or 1DX cameras.

              Table 1
               Apparent  Maximum     Measured
  ISO  Gain   Read Noise  signal    Dynamic range
       e/DN  (electrons) (electrons)   stops
   100  5.04     34.9     68900        10.9
   200  2.52     18.3     32400        10.8
   400  1.26      9.8     16200        10.7
   800  0.63      5.6      8100        10.5
  1600  0.315     3.6      4050        10.1
  3200  0.157     2.7      2030         9.6 
  6400  0.079     2.5      1000         8.6
 12800  0.039     2.1       500         7.9
 25600  0.0197    2.05      250         6.9

maximum DN: ISO 100 = 15331 (includes offset)
DN offset = 2048

Pixel pitch= 6.25 microns.
22.3 megapixels.

Derived Parameters:
S/N on 18% gray card, ISO 100 = 111.
S/N on 18% gray card, ISO 1600 = 27.
Sensor Full Well Capacity at lowest ISO: 68,900 electrons.
Sensor dynamic range = 68900/2.5 = 27,560 = 14.7 stops.
(note: limit read noise to ISO that give at least 8 stops dynamic range)
ISO at unity gain (scaled to 12 bit) = 2000 (14-bit unity gain = ISO 500).

Pixel linear density = 160 pixels / mm
Pixel density = 25.600 pixels / square mm
Sensor maximum signal density at ISO 200 = 829 electrons / square micron
Sensor maximum signal density at ISO 1600 = 103.7 electrons / square micron
Sensor read noise density (best read noise) = 328 electrons / square mm
Sensor dynamic range density at ISO 1600 = 17.5 stops dynamic range / square mm

New Low Light sensitivity Factor: 27.5 (= sensor max signal density at ISO 1600 / read noise at ISO 1600)
Full Sensor Apparent Image Quality, FS-AIQ = 123.8
Focal Length Limited Apparent Image Quality, ISO 1600, Constant output Size, FLL-AIQ1600 = 111

Values in the above table are described at Digital Sensor Performance summary.

Fixed Pattern (Banding) Noise

Table 2 shows the noise as a function of ISO in image form. The images illustrate several things: 1) lower banding noise at higher ISOs. 2) Better detection of smaller signals at higher ISOs (the random noise decreases). 3) At a certain high ISO, improvements decrease, meaning there is no benefit to higher ISO. Note, ISO is a post sensor gain and does not increase sensitivity. Increasing ISO digitizes a smaller range (see Table 1) but does improve the noise floor up to a point. While some banding noise is apparent at ISO 1600, would not be noticeable in many images. At ISO 3200 and higher, banding noise is almost negligible.

Table 2a. Apparent Read Noise, Central Image
ISO 100
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Central 500 x 300 pixel statistics:
min= 10151 electrons
max= 10468 electrons
mean= 10321 electrons
standard deviation= 35.29 electrons
ISO 200
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Central 500 x 300 pixel statistics:
min= 5073 electrons
max= 5239 electrons
mean= 5159 electrons
standard deviation= 18.52 electrons
ISO 400
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Central 500 x 300 pixel statistics:
min= 2533 electrons
max= 2636 electrons
mean= 2580 electrons
standard deviation= 10.04 electrons
ISO 800
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Central 500 x 300 pixel statistics:
min= 1244 electrons
max= 1326 electrons
mean= 1290 electrons
standard deviation= 5.85 electrons
ISO 1600
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Central 500 x 300 pixel statistics:
min= 611 electrons
max= 683 electrons
mean= 645 electrons
standard deviation= 3.96 electrons
ISO 3200
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Central 500 x 300 pixel statistics:
min= 293 electrons
max= 352 electrons
mean= 321 electrons
standard deviation= 3.08 electrons
ISO 6400
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Central 500 x 300 pixel statistics:
min= 132 electrons
max= 198 electrons
mean= 162 electrons
standard deviation= 2.99 electrons
ISO 12800
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Central 500 x 300 pixel statistics:
min= 50 electrons
max= 109 electrons
mean= 80 electrons
standard deviation= 2.57 electrons
ISO 25600
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Central 500 x 300 pixel statistics:
min= 15 electrons
max= 60 electrons
mean= 41 electrons
standard deviation= 2.58 electrons

Table 2b. Apparent Read Noise, Full Image, sub-sampled
ISO 100
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Full image statistics:
min= 10120 electrons
max= 11174 electrons
mean= 10320 electrons
standard deviation= 35.01 electrons
ISO 200
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Full image statistics:
min= 5058 electrons
max= 5982 electrons
mean= 5159 electrons
standard deviation= 18.39 electrons
ISO 400
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Full image statistics:
min= 2517 electrons
max= 3397 electrons
mean= 2580 electrons
standard deviation= 9.99 electrons
ISO 800
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Full image statistics:
min= 1239 electrons
max= 2148 electrons
mean= 1290 electrons
standard deviation= 5.83 electrons
ISO 1600
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Full image statistics:
min= 595 electrons
max= 1468 electrons
mean= 645 electrons
standard deviation= 3.99 electrons
ISO 3200
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Full image statistics:
min= 279 electrons
max= 1181 electrons
mean= 322 electrons
standard deviation= 3.11 electrons
ISO 6400
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Full image statistics:
min= 116 electrons
max= 210 electrons
mean= 162 electrons
standard deviation= 3.01 electrons
ISO 12800
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Full image statistics:
min= 38 electrons
max= 122 electrons
mean= 80 electrons
standard deviation= 2.59 electrons
ISO 25600
Image Range:
-20.00 to 20.00 electrons about the mean

Full image statistics:
min= 2 electrons
max= 71 electrons
mean= 41 electrons
standard deviation= 2.61 electrons


The 5D3 sensor is an improvement over the 5D2 sensor in several ways. There is a 14% increase in sensor signal density and similar increase in full well capacity. The apparent read noise is higher in the 5d3 over the 5d2 at low ISOs but better at high ISOs. The banding noise at ISO 1600 is substantially improved in the 5D3 over the 5D2, but still not as good as that in the 1D Mark IV or 1DX. The banding noise limits the ability to extract details in shadows, especially at low ISOs.

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Appendix 1

                          Appendix 1, Table A1:  ISO 100 Sensor Data and Analysis

Offset= 2048
Model gain =  See Table 1
Model read noise =  See Table 1

          Observed  signal - offset
            min-o   max-o   mean-o   2-img std    noise     S/N      signal      gain     ISO  relative    S/N     S/N        image 
    file    (DN)    (DN)    (DN)       (DN)       (DN)            (electrons)   (e/DN)         exposure    model obs/model   std dev

Run 1 ISO 100
_53B7305  7557.00  8325.00  7991.34    56.34      39.84    200.60    40241.6    5.036     100  0.125000    197.7     1.01   123.95 
_53B7306  7570.00  8332.00  7979.03    56.34      39.84    200.29    40117.8    5.028     100  0.125000    197.6     1.02   125.37 
_53B7307  3699.00  4149.00  3934.63    40.82      28.87    136.30    18578.7    4.722     100  0.062500    136.7     1.00    66.64 
_53B7308  3714.00  4120.00  3930.00    40.82      28.87    136.14    18535.0    4.716     100  0.062500    136.6     1.00    66.30 
_53B7309  1806.00  2058.00  1941.27    29.51      20.87     93.03     8653.9    4.458     100  0.031250     93.3     1.00    35.94 
_53B7310  1814.00  2063.00  1945.07    29.51      20.87     93.21     8687.9    4.467     100  0.031250     93.4     1.00    35.91 
_53B7311   874.00  1044.00   966.60    21.76      15.39     62.81     3945.3    4.082     100  0.015625     62.4     1.01    21.20 
_53B7312   875.00  1043.00   962.41    21.76      15.39     62.54     3911.1    4.064     100  0.015625     62.3     1.01    21.26  
_53B7313   415.00   528.00   477.64    16.76      11.85     40.31     1625.2    3.403     100  0.007812     40.0     1.01    14.07  
_53B7314   422.00   530.00   477.71    16.76      11.85     40.32     1625.7    3.403     100  0.007812     40.0     1.01    14.03  
_53B7315   196.00   282.00   239.93    13.68       9.67     24.80      615.2    2.564     100  0.003906     24.5     1.01    10.43  
_53B7316   198.00   281.00   239.78    13.68       9.67     24.79      614.4    2.563     100  0.003906     24.5     1.01    10.46  
_53B7317    84.00   162.00   120.53    11.85       8.38     14.38      206.8    1.716     100  0.001953     14.2     1.01     8.70 
_53B7318    88.00   166.00   121.66    11.85       8.38     14.52      210.7    1.732     100  0.001953     14.3     1.00     8.68  
_53B7319    33.00    95.00    61.96    10.91       7.71      8.03       64.5    1.041     100  0.000977      8.0     1.01     7.84  
_53B7320    32.00    96.00    62.47    10.91       7.71      8.10       65.6    1.050     100  0.000977      8.0     1.00     7.81  
_53B7321     4.00    63.00    33.05    10.44       7.38      4.48       20.0    0.606     100  0.000488      4.5     1.00     7.49  
_53B7322     2.00    68.00    32.83    10.44       7.38      4.45       19.8    0.602     100  0.000488      4.4     1.01     7.46  
_53B7323   -13.00    47.00    17.05    10.11       7.15      2.39        5.7    0.334     100  0.000244      2.4     1.00     7.16  
_53B7324   -13.00    47.00    16.91    10.11       7.15      2.37        5.6    0.331     100  0.000244      2.4     1.01     7.20  
_53B7325   -20.00    38.00     9.84    10.08       7.12      1.38        1.9    0.194     100  0.000122      1.4     0.99     7.13  
_53B7326   -19.00    39.00    10.63    10.08       7.12      1.49        2.2    0.209     100  0.000122      1.5     0.92     7.14  

Run 2 ISO 100
_53B7448 10315.00 11381.00 10920.65    63.62      44.99    242.74    58923.8    5.396     100  0.192308    232.1     1.05   194.42  
_53B7449 10326.00 11405.00 10947.09    63.62      44.99    243.33    59209.5    5.409     100  0.192308    232.3     1.04   192.64  
_53B7450  8222.00  9139.00  8753.97    58.39      41.28    212.04    44960.6    5.136     100  0.161290    207.2     1.02   157.21  
_53B7451  8243.00  9116.00  8748.96    58.39      41.28    211.92    44909.2    5.133     100  0.161290    207.1     1.02   158.21  
_53B7452  6554.00  7349.00  6979.58    52.92      37.42    186.52    34791.1    4.985     100  0.125000    184.4     1.01   126.33  
_53B7453  6562.00  7305.00  6977.25    52.92      37.42    186.46    34767.8    4.983     100  0.125000    184.4     1.01   127.85  
_53B7454  5150.00  5819.00  5528.73    48.08      34.00    162.63    26449.3    4.784     100  0.096154    163.4     1.00   102.72  
_53B7455  5172.00  5795.00  5521.28    48.08      34.00    162.41    26378.1    4.778     100  0.096154    163.3     1.00   104.64  
_53B7456  4071.00  4595.00  4367.71    42.38      29.96    145.76    21246.4    4.864     100  0.081301    144.4     1.01    83.40  
_53B7457  4077.00  4582.00  4356.31    42.38      29.96    145.38    21135.6    4.852     100  0.081301    144.2     1.01    84.35  
_53B7458  3233.00  3652.00  3462.39    38.23      27.03    128.08    16403.7    4.738     100  0.062500    127.7     1.00    66.06  
_53B7459  3216.00  3643.00  3460.14    38.23      27.03    127.99    16382.5    4.735     100  0.062500    127.7     1.00    65.55  
_53B7460  2548.00  2895.00  2736.94    34.64      24.49    111.75    12489.0    4.563     100  0.048309    112.6     0.99    53.74  
_53B7461  2554.00  2920.00  2738.34    34.64      24.49    111.81    12501.7    4.565     100  0.048309    112.6     0.99    52.80  
_53B7462  2013.00  2303.00  2170.38    31.04      21.95     98.90     9781.0    4.507     100  0.040486     99.2     1.00    43.76  
_53B7463  2016.00  2308.00  2168.06    31.04      21.95     98.79     9760.2    4.502     100  0.040486     99.2     1.00    43.40  
_53B7464  1587.00  1828.00  1717.68    27.72      19.60     87.62     7677.9    4.470     100  0.031250     87.1     1.01    35.87  
_53B7465  1572.00  1828.00  1716.33    27.72      19.60     87.55     7665.8    4.466     100  0.031250     87.1     1.01    35.86  
_53B7466  1252.00  1466.00  1360.28    24.98      17.66     77.02     5931.5    4.361     100  0.024096     76.3     1.01    29.59  
_53B7467  1244.00  1474.00  1361.85    24.98      17.66     77.10     5945.2    4.366     100  0.024096     76.3     1.01    29.67  
_53B7468   977.00  1161.00  1076.40    22.74      16.08     66.94     4481.6    4.163     100  0.020243     66.6     1.01    24.72 
_53B7469   982.00  1162.00  1078.90    22.74      16.08     67.10     4502.4    4.173     100  0.020243     66.7     1.00    24.49  
_53B7470   773.00   933.00   853.65    20.64      14.60     58.49     3420.5    4.007     100  0.015625     57.9     1.01    20.81  
_53B7471   770.00   922.00   852.29    20.64      14.60     58.39     3409.7    4.001     100  0.015625     57.8     1.01    20.78  
_53B7472   607.00   738.00   675.85    18.81      13.30     50.80     2581.0    3.819     100  0.012048     50.1     1.01    17.93  
_53B7473   608.00   750.00   676.00    18.81      13.30     50.81     2582.2    3.820     100  0.012048     50.1     1.01    17.86  
_53B7474   470.00   594.00   533.42    17.38      12.29     43.40     1883.6    3.531     100  0.010132     43.0     1.01    15.45  
_53B7475   472.00   596.00   535.00    17.38      12.29     43.53     1894.7    3.542     100  0.010132     43.1     1.01    15.57  
_53B7476   366.00   477.00   425.80    16.13      11.41     37.33     1393.7    3.273     100  0.007812     37.0     1.01    13.54  
_53B7477   373.00   478.00   426.02    16.13      11.41     37.35     1395.1    3.275     100  0.007812     37.0     1.01    13.68  
_53B7478   290.00   391.00   339.07    15.03      10.63     31.91     1018.0    3.002     100  0.006024     31.6     1.01    12.11  
_53B7479   291.00   388.00   338.79    15.03      10.63     31.88     1016.3    3.000     100  0.006024     31.6     1.01    12.14 
_53B7480   226.00   313.00   269.10    14.13       9.99     26.92      724.9    2.694     100  0.005066     26.7     1.01    11.09 
_53B7481   222.00   321.00   269.42    14.13       9.99     26.96      726.6    2.697     100  0.005066     26.8     1.01    11.07  
_53B7482   172.00   257.00   214.79    13.36       9.45     22.74      517.1    2.408     100  0.003906     22.6     1.01    10.28  
_53B7483   173.00   251.00   213.94    13.36       9.45     22.65      513.1    2.398     100  0.003906     22.5     1.01    10.16  
_53B7485    93.00   172.00   135.10    12.21       8.63     15.65      244.9    1.813     100  0.002533     15.6     1.00     9.01  
_53B7486    99.00   171.00   135.35    12.21       8.63     15.68      245.8    1.816     100  0.002533     15.6     1.00     9.00  
_53B7487    73.00   147.00   108.32    11.66       8.24     13.14      172.6    1.594     100  0.001953     13.0     1.01     8.56  
_53B7488    74.00   144.00   108.23    11.66       8.24     13.13      172.4    1.593     100  0.001953     13.0     1.01     8.50  
_53B7489    51.00   124.00    86.58    11.40       8.06     10.74      115.4    1.333     100  0.001506     10.7     1.00     8.24  
_53B7490    51.00   123.00    86.36    11.40       8.06     10.71      114.8    1.329     100  0.001506     10.7     1.00     8.26  
_53B7491    38.00   100.00    69.07    11.09       7.84      8.81       77.6    1.124     100  0.001266      8.8     1.00     7.93  
_53B7492    40.00   101.00    70.09    11.09       7.84      8.94       80.0    1.141     100  0.001266      8.9     0.99     7.98  
_53B7493    17.00    86.00    54.97    10.88       7.70      7.14       51.0    0.928     100  0.000977      7.2     1.00     7.75  
_53B7494    25.00    89.00    54.84    10.88       7.70      7.13       50.8    0.926     100  0.000977      7.2     1.00     7.78  
_53B7495    14.00    77.00    45.24    10.63       7.52      6.02       36.2    0.800     100  0.000753      6.0     1.00     7.61  
_53B7496    14.00    78.00    45.25    10.63       7.52      6.02       36.2    0.800     100  0.000753      6.0     1.00     7.59  
_53B7497     3.00    65.00    35.59    10.55       7.46      4.77       22.8    0.639     100  0.000633      4.8     0.99     7.49  
_53B7498     7.00    66.00    36.59    10.55       7.46      4.90       24.1    0.657     100  0.000633      4.9     0.97     7.51  
_53B7499    -1.00    65.00    30.21    10.31       7.29      4.14       17.2    0.569     100  0.000488      4.1     1.01     7.37  
_53B7500     1.00    60.00    29.88    10.31       7.29      4.10       16.8    0.562     100  0.000488      4.1     1.02     7.42  
_53B7501    -7.00    52.00    23.17    10.26       7.25      3.19       10.2    0.440     100  0.000377      3.2     1.00     7.29  
_53B7502    -7.00    56.00    24.11    10.26       7.25      3.32       11.1    0.458     100  0.000377      3.3     0.96     7.31  
_53B7503   -16.00    47.00    18.83    10.17       7.19      2.62        6.9    0.364     100  0.000317      2.6     1.00     7.22  
_53B7504   -13.00    50.00    18.78    10.17       7.19      2.61        6.8    0.363     100  0.000317      2.6     1.00     7.23 
_53B7505   -13.00    46.00    16.50    10.13       7.16      2.30        5.3    0.322     100  0.000244      2.3     1.00     7.19 
_53B7506   -12.00    46.00    15.67    10.13       7.16      2.19        4.8    0.306     100  0.000244      2.2     1.05     7.17 
_53B7507   -15.00    45.00    14.00    10.10       7.14      1.96        3.8    0.275     100  0.000188      2.0     1.00     7.20 
_53B7508   -15.00    41.00    12.65    10.10       7.14      1.77        3.1    0.248     100  0.000188      1.8     1.10     7.18 
_53B7509   -18.00    44.00    10.69    10.07       7.12      1.50        2.3    0.211     100  0.000158      1.5     0.99     7.10 
_53B7510   -21.00    45.00    11.59    10.07       7.12      1.63        2.7    0.229     100  0.000158      1.6     0.92     7.19 
_53B7511   -24.00    38.00     9.85    10.05       7.10      1.39        1.9    0.195     100  0.000122      1.4     0.99     7.14 
_53B7512   -19.00    39.00     9.88    10.05       7.10      1.39        1.9    0.196     100  0.000122      1.4     0.99     7.17 

ISO 200
_53B7331  7113.00  7912.00  7546.75    77.61      54.88    137.53    18913.1    2.506     200  0.062500    136.7     1.01   128.46  
_53B7332  7125.00  7903.00  7546.21    77.61      54.88    137.52    18910.4    2.506     200  0.062500    136.7     1.01   127.98  
_53B7333  3500.00  3975.00  3744.56    55.22      39.04     95.91     9198.2    2.456     200  0.031250     95.5     1.00    69.81  
_53B7334  3489.00  3960.00  3740.24    55.22      39.04     95.80     9177.0    2.454     200  0.031250     95.4     1.01    70.62  
_53B7335  1701.00  2009.00  1855.06    39.29      27.78     66.78     4459.0    2.404     200  0.015625     66.0     1.01    40.23  
_53B7336  1706.00  2007.00  1857.87    39.29      27.78     66.88     4472.6    2.407     200  0.015625     66.1     1.01    39.79  
_53B7337   828.00  1025.00   922.32    28.58      20.21     45.64     2083.4    2.259     200  0.007812     45.1     1.01    24.75 
_53B7338   822.00  1016.00   925.99    28.58      20.21     45.83     2100.0    2.268     200  0.007812     45.2     1.01    24.95 
_53B7339   400.00   541.00   464.07    21.44      15.16     30.61      937.1    2.019     200  0.003906     30.2     1.02    16.81 
_53B7340   396.00   531.00   463.05    21.44      15.16     30.54      932.9    2.015     200  0.003906     30.1     1.02    16.81 
_53B7341   186.00   284.00   233.82    16.85      11.91     19.63      385.3    1.648     200  0.001953     19.4     1.01    12.55  
_53B7342   184.00   284.00   234.15    16.85      11.91     19.66      386.4    1.650     200  0.001953     19.4     1.01    12.59  
_53B7343    77.00   162.00   119.55    14.08       9.96     12.01      144.2    1.206     200  0.000977     11.9     1.01    10.18  
_53B7344    79.00   158.00   119.99    14.08       9.96     12.05      145.3    1.211     200  0.000977     12.0     1.00    10.15  
_53B7345    27.00    98.00    63.33    12.45       8.80      7.19       51.7    0.817     200  0.000488      7.2     1.00     8.87  
_53B7346    29.00   116.00    63.70    12.45       8.80      7.24       52.4    0.822     200  0.000488      7.2     1.00     8.93  
_53B7347     2.00    70.00    35.24    11.47       8.11      4.34       18.9    0.536     200  0.000244      4.3     1.01     8.22 
_53B7348     0.00    73.00    35.27    11.47       8.11      4.35       18.9    0.536     200  0.000244      4.3     1.01     8.21  
_53B7349   -12.00    59.00    20.71    10.95       7.75      2.67        7.2    0.345     200  0.000122      2.7     1.01     7.86  
_53B7350   -12.00    53.00    20.53    10.95       7.75      2.65        7.0    0.342     200  0.000122      2.6     1.02     7.82  

ISO 400
_53B7390  6386.00  7417.00  6933.20   106.43      75.26     92.13     8487.6    1.224     400  0.031250     93.0     0.99   154.78  
_53B7391  6403.00  7402.00  6935.92   106.43      75.26     92.16     8494.2    1.225     400  0.031250     93.0     0.99   156.57  
_53B7392  3213.00  3820.00  3530.03    76.11      53.82     65.59     4302.4    1.219     400  0.015625     66.0     0.99    82.28  
_53B7393  3191.00  3806.00  3534.69    76.11      53.82     65.68     4313.7    1.220     400  0.015625     66.0     0.99    83.24  
_53B7394  1565.00  1927.00  1752.31    53.50      37.83     46.32     2145.5    1.224     400  0.007812     46.0     1.01    48.82  
_53B7395  1549.00  1949.00  1750.72    53.50      37.83     46.28     2141.6    1.223     400  0.007812     46.0     1.01    49.66  
_53B7396   742.00  1001.00   874.19    38.15      26.98     32.41     1050.2    1.201     400  0.003906     31.8     1.02    31.48  
_53B7397   747.00  1015.00   874.96    38.15      26.98     32.44     1052.1    1.202     400  0.003906     31.8     1.02    31.32  
_53B7398   346.00   536.00   442.97    28.38      20.06     22.08      487.4    1.100     400  0.001953     21.8     1.01    21.69  
_53B7399   351.00   528.00   444.68    28.38      20.06     22.16      491.2    1.105     400  0.001953     21.9     1.01    21.84  
_53B7400   167.00   295.00   227.89    21.75      15.38     14.82      219.6    0.963     400  0.000977     14.7     1.01    15.96  
_53B7401   161.00   298.00   227.91    21.75      15.38     14.82      219.6    0.964     400  0.000977     14.7     1.01    16.07  
_53B7402    64.00   170.00   120.69    17.38      12.29      9.82       96.4    0.799     400  0.000488      9.7     1.02    12.67  
_53B7403    72.00   171.00   120.22    17.38      12.29      9.78       95.7    0.796     400  0.000488      9.6     1.02    12.66  
_53B7404    20.00   114.00    67.63    14.96      10.58      6.39       40.9    0.604     400  0.000244      6.3     1.01    10.81  
_53B7405    23.00   113.00    66.60    14.96      10.58      6.30       39.6    0.595     400  0.000244      6.3     1.02    10.80  
_53B7406     1.00    80.00    39.14    13.44       9.50      4.12       17.0    0.434     400  0.000122      4.1     1.01     9.64  
_53B7407     1.00    80.00    39.12    13.44       9.50      4.12       17.0    0.433     400  0.000122      4.1     1.01     9.69  

ISO 800
_53B7412  6337.00  7537.00  6963.34   148.92     105.30     66.13     4372.8    0.628     800  0.015625     66.0     1.00   166.63  
_53B7413  6306.00  7537.00  6956.96   148.92     105.30     66.07     4364.8    0.627     800  0.015625     66.0     1.00   165.83  
_53B7414  3059.00  3874.00  3446.13   105.16      74.36     46.34     2147.7    0.623     800  0.007812     46.3     1.00    99.23  
_53B7415  3090.00  3802.00  3443.73   105.16      74.36     46.31     2144.7    0.623     800  0.007812     46.2     1.00    98.78  
_53B7416  1483.00  1964.00  1723.99    73.82      52.20     33.03     1090.8    0.633     800  0.003906     32.5     1.02    61.32  
_53B7417  1488.00  1959.00  1723.97    73.82      52.20     33.03     1090.8    0.633     800  0.003906     32.5     1.02    61.71  
_53B7418   713.00  1062.00   872.90    52.97      37.46     23.30      543.1    0.622     800  0.001953     22.8     1.02    41.24  
_53B7419   716.00  1061.00   873.67    52.97      37.46     23.32      544.0    0.623     800  0.001953     22.8     1.02    41.39  
_53B7420   337.00   566.00   445.64    38.88      27.49     16.21      262.7    0.590     800  0.000977     15.9     1.02    28.97  
_53B7421   341.00   560.00   446.24    38.88      27.49     16.23      263.5    0.590     800  0.000977     15.9     1.02    28.89  
_53B7422   152.00   334.00   236.85    29.43      20.81     11.38      129.5    0.547     800  0.000488     11.1     1.03    21.70  
_53B7423   155.00   331.00   237.49    29.43      20.81     11.41      130.2    0.548     800  0.000488     11.1     1.02    21.61  
_53B7424    61.00   214.00   131.03    23.40      16.55      7.92       62.7    0.478     800  0.000244      7.7     1.02    17.03  
_53B7425    63.00   203.00   130.74    23.40      16.55      7.90       62.4    0.477     800  0.000244      7.7     1.03    17.09  
_53B7426    14.00   140.00    77.46    19.79      13.99      5.54       30.6    0.396     800  0.000122      5.5     1.02    14.36  
_53B7427    21.00   154.00    77.85    19.79      13.99      5.56       31.0    0.398     800  0.000122      5.5     1.01    14.43  

ISO 1600
_53B7432  6082.00  7578.00  6880.90   211.09     149.26     46.10     2125.1    0.309    1600  0.007812     46.4     0.99   192.69  
_53B7433  6235.00  7786.00  7001.34   211.09     149.26     46.91     2200.2    0.314    1600  0.007812     46.8     0.98   197.94  
_53B7434  3004.00  3992.00  3491.86   150.56     106.46     32.80     1075.8    0.308    1600  0.003906     33.0     0.99   124.46  
_53B7435  2979.00  3991.00  3491.43   150.56     106.46     32.79     1075.5    0.308    1600  0.003906     33.0     0.99   123.95  
_53B7436  1373.00  2080.00  1759.02   106.12      75.04     23.44      549.5    0.312    1600  0.001953     23.3     1.01    81.98  
_53B7437  1454.00  2109.00  1755.68   106.12      75.04     23.40      547.4    0.312    1600  0.001953     23.2     1.01    82.08  
_53B7438   679.00  1148.00   895.62    75.81      53.61     16.71      279.1    0.312    1600  0.000977     16.4     1.02    56.67  
_53B7439   659.00  1124.00   896.75    75.81      53.61     16.73      279.8    0.312    1600  0.000977     16.4     1.02    56.76  
_53B7440   312.00   646.00   473.93    56.10      39.67     11.95      142.7    0.301    1600  0.000488     11.7     1.02    41.33  
_53B7441   329.00   643.00   473.89    56.10      39.67     11.95      142.7    0.301    1600  0.000488     11.7     1.02    41.18  
_53B7442   141.00   425.00   261.37    42.85      30.30      8.63       74.4    0.285    1600  0.000244      8.4     1.02    31.45  
_53B7443   122.00   393.00   263.73    42.85      30.30      8.70       75.7    0.287    1600  0.000244      8.5     1.02    31.55  
_53B7444    50.00   335.00   152.28    34.70      24.54      6.21       38.5    0.253    1600  0.000122      6.1     1.01    25.34  
_53B7445    55.00   274.00   151.46    34.70      24.54      6.17       38.1    0.252    1600  0.000122      6.1     1.01    25.31  

                                 Appendix 1, Table A2: Read Noise Data and Analysis

             --- Signal - offset ---                                Read Noise   Gain
    file     min     max     mean     2-img std    noise           (electrons)  (e/DN)    ISO

 _53B7351   -27.00    30.00    -0.05     9.85       6.97               35.115    5.040    100
 _53B7352   -28.00    29.00     0.15     9.85       6.97               35.115    5.040    100
 _53B7351   -27.00    30.00    -0.05     9.72       6.87               34.646    5.040    100
 _53B7353   -30.00    27.00    -0.01     9.72       6.87               34.646    5.040    100
 _53B7351   -27.00    30.00    -0.05     9.84       6.96               35.054    5.040    100
 _53B7354   -30.00    26.00    -0.14     9.84       6.96               35.054    5.040    100
 _53B7355   -30.00    29.00    -0.07    10.27       7.26               18.306    2.520    200
 _53B7356   -31.00    28.00    -0.04    10.27       7.26               18.306    2.520    200
 _53B7355   -30.00    29.00    -0.07    10.27       7.26               18.297    2.520    200
 _53B7357   -27.00    29.00    -0.13    10.27       7.26               18.297    2.520    200
 _53B7355   -30.00    29.00    -0.07    10.25       7.25               18.273    2.520    200
 _53B7358   -30.00    32.00     0.04    10.25       7.25               18.273    2.520    200
 _53B7359   -33.00    32.00    -0.01    11.04       7.81                9.839    1.260    400
 _53B7360   -31.00    44.00     0.01    11.04       7.81                9.839    1.260    400
 _53B7359   -33.00    32.00    -0.01    11.07       7.82                9.859    1.260    400
 _53B7361   -30.00    33.00    -0.13    11.07       7.82                9.859    1.260    400
 _53B7359   -33.00    32.00    -0.01    11.05       7.81                9.846    1.260    400
 _53B7362   -31.00    33.00    -0.09    11.05       7.81                9.846    1.260    400
 _53B7363   -41.00    59.00     0.01    12.60       8.91                5.612    0.630    800
 _53B7364   -74.00    47.00    -0.14    12.60       8.91                5.612    0.630    800
 _53B7363   -41.00    59.00     0.01    12.63       8.93                5.628    0.630    800
 _53B7365   -54.00    47.00     0.01    12.63       8.93                5.628    0.630    800
 _53B7363   -41.00    59.00     0.01    12.53       8.86                5.581    0.630    800
 _53B7366   -38.00    68.00    -0.06    12.53       8.86                5.581    0.630    800
 _53B7367   -91.00    95.00    -0.10    16.21      11.46                3.610    0.315    1600
 _53B7368   -80.00   101.00    -0.05    16.21      11.46                3.610    0.315    1600
 _53B7367   -91.00    95.00    -0.10    16.32      11.54                3.634    0.315    1600
 _53B7369   -69.00    77.00    -0.26    16.32      11.54                3.634    0.315    1600
 _53B7370  -152.00   207.00     0.43    23.99      16.96                2.672    0.157    3200
 _53B7371  -125.00   126.00    -0.58    23.99      16.96                2.672    0.157    3200
 _53B7370  -152.00   207.00     0.43    23.95      16.94                2.667    0.157    3200
 _53B7372  -120.00   168.00     0.31    23.95      16.94                2.667    0.157    3200
 _53B7370  -152.00   207.00     0.43    23.84      16.86                2.655    0.157    3200
 _53B7373  -122.00   190.00    -0.10    23.84      16.86                2.655    0.157    3200
 _53B7374  -320.00   477.00     0.34    44.91      31.76                2.501    0.079    6400
 _53B7375  -283.00   351.00    -0.39    44.91      31.76                2.501    0.079    6400
 _53B7374  -320.00   477.00     0.34    45.13      31.91                2.513    0.079    6400
 _53B7376  -407.00   381.00    -0.20    45.13      31.91                2.513    0.079    6400
 _53B7374  -320.00   477.00     0.34    45.14      31.92                2.514    0.079    6400
 _53B7377  -233.00   438.00     0.07    45.14      31.92                2.514    0.079    6400
 _53B7378  -687.00   813.00    -0.46    74.13      52.42                2.065    0.039    12800
 _53B7379  -551.00   735.00    -0.58    74.13      52.42                2.065    0.039    12800
 _53B7378  -687.00   813.00    -0.46    74.11      52.40                2.065    0.039    12800
 _53B7380  -866.00   835.00     0.66    74.11      52.40                2.065    0.039    12800
 _53B7378  -687.00   813.00    -0.46    74.61      52.76                2.079    0.039    12800
 _53B7381  -767.00   923.00     0.29    74.61      52.76                2.079    0.039    12800
 _53B7382 -1418.00   985.00    -1.87   147.25     104.12                2.051    0.020    25600
 _53B7383 -1325.00  1085.00     0.65   147.25     104.12                2.051    0.020    25600
 _53B7382 -1418.00   985.00    -1.87   147.39     104.22                2.053    0.020    25600
 _53B7384 -1125.00  1087.00     1.18   147.39     104.22                2.053    0.020    25600
 _53B7382 -1418.00   985.00    -1.87   147.24     104.12                2.051    0.020    25600
 _53B7385 -1295.00   987.00     0.30   147.24     104.12                2.051    0.020    25600

Data acquired by Roger Clark, August 2012 using Per Martinsson's camera.
Analysis by R. N. Clark November 2012


1) CCD Gain.

2) Charge coupled CMOS and hybrid detector arrays

3) Canon EOS 20D vs Canon EOS 10D and Canon 10D / Canon 20D / Nikon D70 / Audine comparison


5) Astrophotography Signal-to-Noise with a Canon 10D Camera


DN is "Data Number." That is the number in the file for each pixel. I'm quoting the luminance level (although red, green and blue are almost the same in the cases I cited).

16-bit signed integer: -32768 to +32767

16-bit unsigned integer: 0 to 65535

Photoshop uses signed integers, but the 16-bit tiff is unsigned integer (correctly read by ImagesPlus).

The sensor analysis was done with custom, in-house written software. Raw data were extracted from the camera raw files using DCRAW. Custom software read that data and all processing was done in 32-bit floating point.

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First published November 4, 2012.
Last updated Nobvember 2, 2013.