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image grizzly-bear-cubs-with-sign-rnclark-c06-29-2019-0J6A6002-rth.f-1200vs.jpg is Copyrighted by Roger N. Clark,
Grizzly Bear Cubs: It is not Safe in Front of the Sign Either

Two Grizzly Bear cubs are curious about a sign. Mom was to the right, well in front of the sign and closer to me.

Technical. Canon 7D Mark II 20-megapixel digital camera and 300 mm f/2.8 L IS II, 1/1250 sec, f/2.8, ISO 1600 just as the sun rose. Distance to the bear cubs: 23 meters (75 feet). This is a full-width image, only small crop off the top.

To learn how to obtain stunning images like this, please visit my Extensive Articles on Photography .

Keywords to this image = wyoming tetons grizzly bear baby_animals NEW

Image ID: grizzly-bear-cubs-with-sign-rnclark-c06-29-2019-0J6A6002-rth.f-1200vs.jpg

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Last updated August 31, 2023