ClarkVision Photography: Bear Gallery

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image brown_bear.c09.08.2004.JZ3F2309.b-700.jpg is Copyrighted by Roger N. Clark,

Brown Bear #2309

Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska. This is a large male brown bear.

Brown Bears have coats often tipped with a lighter color, giving a "grizzled" appearance. They also have a large lump of muscle above their shoulders. That muscle gives them great strength in their forelimbs. The Grizzly Bear is a sub-species of the Brown Bear. Brown Bears can weigh up to about 1500 pounds and can run at speeds of 35 miles per hour.

Technical: Canon 1D Mark II 8-megapixel camera, Canon 500 mm f/4 L IS lens + 2x teleconverter = 1000 mm at f/8 1/200 second at ISO 400.

Wild and free. No calls or bait were used to acquire this image.

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Keywords to this image = brown_bear bear katmai_NP alaska

Image ID: brown_bear.c09.08.2004.JZ3F2309.b-700.jpg

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They may not be used except by written permission from Roger N. Clark.
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Last updated September 05, 2024