ClarkVision Photography: Bear Gallery

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image grizzly.bear.c07.03.2003.IMG_5739.c-700.jpg is Copyrighted by Roger N. Clark,

Grizzly Bear 5739

Yellowstone National Park. It is rare to have an opportunity to see a grizzly bear. It is extremely rare to be able to follow one safely for an hour. And even rarer to be able to do it two days in a row. But this is the opportunity I had, after over 25 years and countless days in the park, I had such opportunities. The bear meandered along the Firehole river, while I followed on the other side. It rarely paid attention to me. I was able get close photos using my long telephoto lens while remaining at a safe distance. This is one of many hundred images.

Technical: Canon 10D camera, 700mm f/5.6 (500 mm f/4 IS lens +1.4x TC), 1/90 sec at ISO 200.

Wild and free. No calls or bait were used to acquire this image.

To learn how to obtain stunning images like this, please visit my Extensive Articles on Photography .

Keywords to this image = wyoming yellowstone grizzly bear

Image ID: grizzly.bear.c07.03.2003.IMG_5739.c-700.jpg

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They may not be used except by written permission from Roger N. Clark.
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Last updated September 05, 2024