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image cassini-stellaralloy.c10.30.2016.IMG_6309+vims-saturn-v1-1200s.jpg is Copyrighted by Roger N. Clark,

StellarAlloy Cassini Spacecraft Hand Crafted Metal Model

In a tribute to one of the most successful planetary spacecraft missions, and a key part of my career as a Planetary Scientist, my son welded a model of the Cassini spacecraft for me for Father's day. Colleagues have expressed interest in such a model, and he is now producing a limited number at Stellar Alloy. This image shows a bare metal version and it will be available in plated versions, including gold.

The Cassini spacecraft is currently orbiting Saturn and is in its last year of the mission. It will slowly crank its orbit closer and closer, even diving between the rings and the planet, and crash into the planet in September, 2017. The death spiral will afford amazing new views of the Saturn system.

Below right is an infrared image of Saturn made by the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS), of which I am a team member. That image was a NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: APOD: 2010 September 27 - The Dancing Auroras of Saturn.

- Roger Clark

Visit Stellar Alloy

Cassini Huygens at NASA JPL

Keywords to this image = spacecraft cassini model stellaralloy

Image ID: cassini-stellaralloy.c10.30.2016.IMG_6309+vims-saturn-v1-1200s.jpg

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Last updated September 05, 2024