ClarkVision Photography: Astrophoto 1 Gallery

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image milky.way.over.forest.c07.16.2012.C45I0481-6.i-1024v.jpg is Copyrighted by Roger N. Clark,

The Milky Way Galactic Center Rises over the Colorado Forest #481-6

The galactic center of our Milky Way galaxy rising over pine trees in a Colorado forest is always a grand sight from a dark sky away from cities.

Technical. Canon 1D Mark IV 16-megapixel digital camera, 24 mm f/1.4 lens at f/2, 15 seconds at ISO 1600 on a stationary tripod. This is a 6-frame mosaic, each a 15-second exposure. Exposure time is limited by the rotation rate of the Earth, which will blur the stars into streaks at longer exposure times.

The Exposure Factors, CEF, CEFA are measures of the relative amounts of light received from a subject. It can be used to fairly compare wildly different lens/telescope apertures and exposure times. For this image:

To learn how to obtain stunning images like this, please visit my Extensive Articles on Photography .

Keywords to this image = astrophoto-1 night low-light colorado galaxy digital_astro canon_1d4

Image ID: milky.way.over.forest.c07.16.2012.C45I0481-6.i-1024v.jpg

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Last updated June 29, 2024