ClarkVision Photography: Astrophoto 1 Gallery

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image ISS_clark_08.31.2011.ac45i1716,24.e.jpg is Copyrighted by Roger N. Clark,

International Space Station imaged from Colorado

The ISS was nearly overhead, seen through haze

Technical. Canon 1D Mark IV digital camera, 500 mm f/4 L IS lens with 2x teleconverters giving 1000 mm focal length at f/8. Tracking by hand using a gimbal head on a tripod (wildlife photography setup) with image stabilization on, but focus locked. I previously focused on a star. Exposure was 1/1600 second at ISO 400. Two frames obtained within 2 seconds of each other were stacked. The stacked image was enlarged 5x and Richardson-Lucy image deconvolution applied to sharpen the image.

To learn how to obtain stunning images like this, please visit my Extensive Articles on Photography .

Keywords to this image = astrophoto-1 space_station night low-light digital_astro canon_1d4

Image ID: ISS_clark_08.31.2011.ac45i1716,24.e.jpg

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Last updated September 05, 2024