ClarkVision Photography: Astrophoto 1 Gallery

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image moon.rnclark.7d2+500mm+2x.c03.28.2015.0J6A1036_h-bin2x2s.jpg is Copyrighted by Roger N. Clark,

First Quarter Moon with a Telephoto Lens and Teleconverter

The first quarter Moon on March 28, 2015. Image made with a telephoto lens on a stationary tripod.

The image was produced with a Canon 7D Mark II 20-megapixel digital camera using a 500 mm f/4 L IS super telephoto lens with 2X teleconverter. The f/ratio of the system was f/8. I used mirror lock up with the camera on a tripod. Exposure was 1/160 second at ISO 200. This is a single frame image. The raw data were converted to a 16-bit tiff. During conversion, chromatic aberration and color balance were corrected. The image was then sharpened using Richardson-Lucy image deconvolution using a 5x5 Gaussian and 32 iterations, then a small amount of unsharp mask was applied. The plate scale of the full resolution image is 0.84 arc-seconds/pixel. The diffraction spot diameter for green light is 2.1 arc-seconds (2.5 pixels), or 3.7 pixels in the full resolution image below. The image is diffraction limited. That is pretty good for a telephoto lens with teleconverter. For reference, 1 arc-second is 1/3600 of one degree or about the width of a human hair at a distance of about 50 feet (15.7 meters) (assumed a hair is 0.003 inch in diameter). The full resolution image (1.0 megabytes) can be seen HERE . Note the sharp lunar edge is not perfectly round, but shows the mountains sticking up at the limb.

To learn how to obtain stunning images like this, please visit my Extensive Articles on Photography .

See my review of the Canon 7D Mark II and why it is so good for astrophotography: Canon 7D Mark II sensor analysis.

Keywords to this image = astrophoto-1 moon canon_7d2

Image ID: moon.rnclark.7d2+500mm+2x.c03.28.2015.0J6A1036_h-bin2x2s.jpg

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They may not be used except by written permission from Roger N. Clark.
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Last updated June 29, 2024